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Friedensreich Hundertwasser (as he called himself) was one of the crazy geniuses. An architect also working in the field of environmental protection. Generally he was against the "straight line". In Vienna you can experience that for yourself in the Hundertwasserhaus, KustHausWien and the District Heating Plant. I only had a chance to see first two and they were impressive. He supposedly said: "an uneven floor is a melody to the feet" and he created by that rule. Grass covered rooftops, large trees growing from inside the rooms through the windows. The colours, the shapes, the houses are living their own lives. It's not just Vienna where he was creating his work, you can find them all over Austria, Switzerland, Germany, New Zealand and even Japan. He propagated a type of architecture that is in harmony with nature. He proposed that plating trees in urban areas should be obligatory. 


For him human misery came from living surrounded by the rational, sterile and boring traditional architecture. And when you look at his houses you wish there were more of them around to admire. However in regards to the "uneven floors" personally I'm a fan of practicality :)

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